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GDA trainees of JCHE visits PHC, Modasar, Gujarat

Writer: JanvikasJanvikas

A visit to Primary Health Centre, Modasar, Gujarat was organised from GDA trainees on 9th January, 2020, Saturday. The visit was attended by 31 GDA Trainees of JCHE and 48 staff members of PHC. The highlights of the visit are as follows:


The group had an introductory session with the PHC Coordinator where they discussed the PHC in general and COVID specific strategies of PHC as a response to the pandemic. Then the GDA trainees had a series of brief sessions with ASHA workers, Senior Nurse and few frontline health workers. Followed by the same, the trainess explored the department of maternity, pharmacy, finance and governance, store keeping, operation theatre, Ayurveda and Homeopathy department.


Students learnt everything about the functioning, operations, agendas and policies of the PHC and PHC in general. The major focus of introductory session revolved around understanding basic operation procedures of PHC. It then focused on three components of PHC i.e. speed, accuracy and quality. Moreover, the GDA trainees of JCHE got a chance to discuss various issues pertaining to career as a GDA in public healthcare.

Key Takeaways for Students

The hierarchical structure of health centres and hospitals in public space. The functioning of PHC during emergencies, pandemic and normal time. The importance and role of PHC in promoting and preserving well-being and healthy ecosystem in villages.

Janvikas Centre for Health Education (JCHE) is an initiative of Janvikas to improve the Indian healthcare space with skilled health professionals, cutting edge research, and improved technological intervention.



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