Mission & History.
One step forward for the development is one step backward for the urban poor and marginalised communities in the city. The infrastructure development in urban ignores the concerns of marginalised population in terms of housing; water, electricity, roads, health and education services and public transport facilities.
Marginalized communities live with dignity and sufficient basic facilities, they can access their due rights without any discrimination and their participation in urban governance increases.
To empower marginalized communities/urban poor to take charge of their rights and entitlements and institutionalize culture of community contribution for the same.
To promote and strengthen People`s Organizations (POs) to participate in urban governance and contribute in making it more transparent, accountable, inclusive and pro-poor.
To create spaces for different social identities to come together and resolve their internal issues if any.
To promote and strengthen collective leadership in POs/CBOs/Community
People's Organisations Setup
Urban Facilitation Centre Setup
Active Leaders in POs

Specific Outcomes
15 area level membership based People`s Organizations (POs) are promoted and strengthened of urban poor/marginalized communities in Ahmedabad city with 3300 life time members.
12 Urban Facilitation Centres established that provides access rights and entitlemens.
Citizen Forum of 12 members promoted and operationalized.
Around INR 5.60 lakh community contribution raised by POs in form of membership and services.
23 community based education support centers are set up and running with 500 children.
Collective leadership (10-15 leaders in each PO) is promoted and strengthened in POs.
Facilitated and supported community leaders, NGOs, CBOs on issues of slum eviction, housing rights, government budget and manual scavenging.