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Vision & HISTORY
Human & Institutional Development Resource Centre (HIDRC) was set up in 1999 formally. Prior to this, Janvikas had been supporting civil society organisations, young professionals and community leaders through various programmes like fellowships, training and facilitating OD processes. HIDRC is a strategic unit of Janvikas with a vision to nurture civil society organisations, issue based networks, young professionals and community leaders so that they are able to stage a systematic movement against inequalities, injustice and oppression leading towards the building of a more humane, just and secular society.
Roles & Objectives

A). Initiate, setup and spin off issue-based institutions/CBOs (incubating role)
Janvikas HIDRC has so far initiated and incubated issue based 12 institutions. These institutions are now working independently having its organic linkages with Janvikas and among themselves. Some of these are: KMVS, Sahjeevan, Center for Social Justice, Dristi, Econet, Paryavaran Mitra, Dalit Shakti Kendra, HIDF etc. It has also initiated and nurtured 18 community based organisations of women, marginalized communities. At present, HIDRC supports its incubated multi district women's cooperative, two women's forum in Modasa and Himmatnagar towns working on domestic violence, Ahmedabad city level cooperative of Valmiki community and community based organisation Manav Garima working on manual scavenging. Currently HIDRC has initiated Swasthalaya programme for building resilent and inclusive healthcare system.
B). Strengthen civil society organizations (issue based networks, CBOs/ POs and NGOs)
HIDRC through its long term and short term HID support to NGOs, issue based networks and CBOs so that they become more effective, efficient, relevant and value driven in the changing socio-eco-political context. The HID support includes facilitating strategic planning, OD process, reviews, capacity building of staff, developing and capacitating second line leadership through programme like Leadership Academy (LA), perspective building, strengthening systems for internal good governance, support in resource mobilization, conducting evaluations etc. HIDRC has about 20 long term partners and every year it provides HID support to about 30 organisations based on their needs and demands.

C). Motivate and support young professionals, social activists and community leaders to strengthen their leadership on issues they want to act upon
HIDRC motivates and support young professionals, social activists and community leaders through fellowship, capacity building and mentoring support. In the past through fellowship model it has supported and nurtured young professionals who are today great civil society leaders. Currently it supports every year about 20-25 such young professionals, social activists and community leaders. Some of the community leaders supported have broadened and deepened their leadership base on a specific issue. One such example is Parsottam Vaghela taking leadership on the issue of manual scavenging at state level.
D). Institutional response to emerging reality
HIDRC has been mandated to respond to any emerging reality which needs urgent response. In the past during earthquake 2001, Gujarat violence 2002, Kashmir earthquake 2005, Kandhmal violence 2008, HIDRC responded in collaboration with local civil society organisations during relief and rehabilitation. It has also gone beyond this and developed long term interventions on the issue of communal violence. Recently during COVID-19 pandemic, it responded on the following aspects;
Initiated a core team to respond, developed MIS formats for monitoring and accountability systems,facilitated data exchanges for identifying the needy within and outside Ahmedabad.
On-line team meetings for updates and their response to the pandemic.
Strategic interventions – started community kitchen for the migrants, ration kits distribution, distribution of ready-to-eat food packets.
Fund raising for the initiative.
Policy engagement with the govt.
Module generation on COVID-19 in Gujarati and English languages in collaboration with IIPH - Gandhinagar.
Trainings of COVID-19 modules with Janvikas and CSJ programme and community leaders.

E). HID support to Janvikas’ institutions and programmes
HIDRC provides HID support to its institutions which have been incubated. This support is in the area of strengthening governance, resource mobilization, strategic planning and leadership building.
HIDRC continues to provide support programmes of Janvikas - Udaan, U-Live, Garima, Urban Initiative by way of facilitating strategic planning and reviews, capacity building of programme teams, project proposal development, facilitating linkages with other networks, organisations and report writing.
HIDRC makes attempts in conceptualizing its experiences of HID practices and develops articles, booklets, books, resource material, concept papers etc. Some of the books are; Developing capacities for governance in nonprofits, Kandhmal in Chaos, Creating Spaces and Nurturing Leadership. The recent unpublished article has been on People's Organisations.

F). Knowledge building on HID practices and/or themes
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